21. Contact

I hadn't seen this movie since I was a kid, and it was so much better than I remembered (probably because everything went over my 8 year old head). Matthew McConaughey's performance is top notch and perfectly balances the tone of the movie, which gives a sense of scientific pursuit vs spirituality. I'd recommend it.
22. 300: Rise Of An Empire
As a fan of the first, I was extremely disappointed in this movie. It lacks the great story, momentum, and sense of excitement that the original had. This sequel simply comes across as derivative. The only thing I enjoyed was Eva Green's character, which was still less interesting than anything the first had to offer. Skip.
23. I, Frankenstein
I'm actually a big fan of this genre, which includes movies like Van Helsing, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Unfortunately, this movie isn't executed very well. I just wasn't feeling the gargoyles vs demons vs Frankenstein's monster mash-up. I'd say to skip this one as well.
24. Unhung Hero
Lots of movies focus on the little guy...and this one is no different. While it's not the best documentary I've ever seen, the premise is pretty amusing. If you enjoy a good documentary, I'd say this is worth a watch. And the comment about the Asian sauna is hilarious.
25. After Porn Ends
IMDb suggested this documentary on Unhung Hero's page. I gave it a shot, but wouldn't really recommend it. While it does bring up some good points, you really don't learn anything and it doesn't leave you with much. I'd say pass.
26. Edge Of Tomorrow
Tom Cruise in another sci-fi actioner. But this one has a cool twist ala Groundhog Day. I was expecting average genre fare, but was blown away by the story. It's actually a very cool movie that Lindsey and I both loved! There's plenty of action, humor, and fresh ideas to keep your interest. I can't wait to watch it again.
27. Six Days, Seven Nights
This is a classic. It's always a great choice for a date night or when you're missing the beach.
"I am the best goddamned pilot you're ever gonna meet."
"I've flown with ya twice, you've crashed half the time!"
28. Dear Mr. Watterson
I love Calvin and Hobbes, and had wanted to watch this for quite a while. If you're a fan of comic, even just slightly, then you'll probably enjoy this documentary. It reminded me how much I enjoy the comic, and taught me quite a bit about the politics of the comic book world.
29. Winter's Tale
From the trailer, I thought this would have more focus on the present. So I was surprised when most the movie was set in the past. Those that enjoy love stories, fairy tale elements, and all encompassing spirituality will probably love this movie. It definitely wasn't bad, just not my style.
30. 47 Ronin
I love samurai culture and movies, so this was a must see. I admit I was worried by all the behind-the-scenes drama, but that proved to be unfounded. This movie was great! I loved the mythological aspect to it. I'd love to see an extended cut, because my only complaint is that the scope was a little too big for the runtime.
31. She's Out Of My League
Awesome movie! Jay Baruchel is so great, and this movie is perfect for him. It's a very sincere, coming-of-age story that could be watched multiple times. All the characters are hilarious. If you liked American Pie or The Girl Next Door, you'll enjoy this as well.
32. Loser
This isn't the funniest movie around, but it's still pretty good. Jason Biggs plays the part well, and it's something to watch if you want to kill some time.
33. 21 Jump Street
We had to re-watch this before the sequel. I hadn't seen it since it was in theaters, and it was just as funny as I remembered. And the cameos at the end were pretty awesome, but the best part has to be the bathroom vomit scene.
34. 22 Jump Street
Oh man, this was extremely funny! Even though it's basically the same movie as the original, it's still totally worth a watch. And the second movie of the summer to include a Creed joke...crazy!
"I need absolute silence."
35. I Love You Phillip Morris
I absolutely love me some Jim Carrey, and this is one of his funniest roles ever. Seriously, it's that good. Just look at the cover for crying out loud! It's crude, dirty, and absolutely perfect. HIGHLY recommended.
36. Secret Window
This is a really cool thriller based on a Stephen King story, and it keeps you guessing until the very end. It can be kind of creepy, but it's not all that scary. Just a good all-around thriller, which we could definitely use more of.
And here's a sweet welcome mat. Somehow, I don't think Lindsey would approve though.
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